Friday, January 9, 2009

Dan's Sweater

If I were in a more profound mood I would blog about the general concept of armour and clothes. My good friend K left behind her hoodie when she was here last summer with her brood, and when I am facing a particular challenge, I don the hoodie as if it were armour.

Today, I faced a freezing cold climate for my two-day seminar, and the ever-galant Dan loaned me his extra-large, navy blue Izod sweater.

I spent the better part of the day feeling like I could conquer the world, wearing that sweater.

It came off, but then came back on when I met them in the lounge a little later. We parted company, Dan, C, the sweater and I, a little while ago.

Other stuff going on, but the sweater seems key right now. Not sure why.

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