Sunday, April 19, 2009

quick updates

Mended some fences. Had a good night out and conversation with my brother on the way to and back from the Flight of the Conchords concert at the Tower last night (he had an extra ticket and invited me along).

So, work--I have stuff to catch up on, so I'll be doing that this week. G and I set up his batting tee and practiced for a good hour this am, first batting, then throwing and catching. I got Nic's bike out of mothballs, and he cruised up and down the street (it's true what they say about not forgetting how to ride a bike, but this was his first time on THIS bike--and without the audience of the neighbors). He did well. I hope he and B can ride bikes together this summer. I have not completely given up on this kid, in spite of my better judgment.

And soccer went well, particularly with Nic--I think he's ready for township, but we're holding off on registering him until we see how this session goes.

G caught a fish at the reservoir yesterday--we cleaned and froze it and hope to catch a companion this pm.

And I was part of a panel at the ed conference yesterday--which went really well. Rob does a better a job of promoting me than I do myself. He also told me he wants to talk to me some more about something I shared at the retreat last December. I am impressed that I can offer a seasoned pro insight that he hasn't come up with on his own.

We'll see. His book put me on the map in this community. There may be room for future collaboration. One hopes.

But whatever happens, happens.

The weather is going to change, so we're getting out and enjoying the day.

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