Sunday, March 6, 2022


 I'm of a couple minds on the whole "manifestation" concept.

There is a proponent who think if you dream it, you can be it. You are what you think, if you will. Then you have people like me who catastrophize every damn thing because that's the only way we know to ward off imminent disaster.  I calculate dozens of possible outcomes, and 99% of the time, those calculations come to naught.

I may be conflating things again. I've spent a lifetime picturing things, moments, outcomes--I've forgotten the substance of a vast majority of them, honestly.  But I'm writing because I have a picture in my head--one that could either manifest, or not.

The picture:  elder, in shirtsleeves, maybe a tie, maybe not, slacks, shoes, and a lanyard. Smiling.

This picture rose up in my  mind while I waited outside in the car for him to interview. There's a part of me that thinks I have lost my mind for entertaining such a thing.  And there's another part that is LIVID that this is even a question--why does he not have as much right to do the thing as any other person?

Because of the fucking label, that's why.  It's not like he CAN'T. It's more like people see his difference and can't see past it.

It's more about prejudice.

This is the acid test;  whatever way this goes will tell me exactly what we need to do and where we need to go next.

One mom asked me rather snidely a few years ago whether we were trying to "pass for normal." I was caught up short, but said, "No, we are not." I must have had some look on my face, because she then tried to walk it back.

The reality is this:  he has two jobs he's had for 5 years.  He doesn't need support so much as just knowing who to go to when things go sideways (and really, don't we all, if we're honest?). To coin a phrase, "he can do things."

So for God's sake, let him. 

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