Thursday, March 3, 2022

Stepping Into His Future

 So remember when I wrote about the battle royale waged over filling out an online job application?

Recall Monday evening last when I denied Our Hero adventures because he didn't do the thing I asked him to do. He did it. Kicking and screaming the whole damn time, but he did it. 

Imagine my surprise when the place he applied to called the house this afternoon--the landline, the remnant of times past that has been overtaken by scam calls and extended warranty offers. I picked up, and elder was requested. He scowled at me when I handed him the phone, but he smiled when he started talking. He's smart enough to know that the expression translates to the unseen person on the other end. 

The bigger surprise is that they want to see him tomorrow. And he's going, has his clothes picked out, and he and I are going to drill on the interview basics again. It's been a while, and he might be a little rusty. 

And of course this whole thing wouldn't be complete without me putting a carrot in place to guarantee success. Nothing is guaranteed, but I give him a fair shot. 

If this works out, it could be a game changer. 

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