Monday, December 1, 2008

Figuring this Life thing out

Okay, so MIL has landed and no amount of bitching and moaning is going to make her go away.

Facebook is not letting me in.

It's just getting on 7 and the boys had a late night last night.

And I need to go into the city. I need to leave in an hour.

I spent yesterday with my buddy and her two boys--we met at a bounce around indoor gym, then went back to her house. She's had no end of troubles with her ex, her step mom, settling the kids into their lives post divorce. I spent most of the time listening, and whatever time I did speak trying to be helpful. I regaled her with my own recent adventures with the plagiarist, panhandling fangirl and Brian Wilson.

If nothing else works, I can be an amusing distraction.

Then we went home, had dinner, and DH and I went to see some friends play at a Vegan hookah bar two towns over. That was fun. But that's when I heard about how inflexible I am. All I can think is, what are they bitching about? She's HERE, isn't she? She's gotten her way again.

I guess she's not liking the hard stop to her visit, but I honestly don't understand why she needs to move in. She's an hour away; we can visit whenever she likes.

I think she likes to come here and fantacize she still has a house to keep.

I need to be more compassionate. But it's hard when she prefaces everything with a comment on my lack of experience...

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