Monday, February 22, 2010

Better Now

I had a major scare over the weekend with G's placement that seems to have righted itself, more or less. Well, it could be said I lost my composure. Slightly.

(We all know I don't do things halfway.)

Nothing good company can't fix. Fortunately I had a confab of like minds to meet up with on Saturday morning. There is nothing in the world like entering a room full of people who are all on your page. I am not a natural networker, but my experience shows that you can learn just about anything if you apply yourself.

It doesn't help that I am so literal minded, but in some ways, it tends to simply things.

MIL has arrived, and we are on day 3. I am determined to make this work for me, one way or another. The fact that it's been nearly a year since her last visit shows progress of a sort, but she still has that whole "queen of the hutch" thing going on. She doesn't like that I am asserting myself, but that's not my problem.

Neither does hubby. ALTHOUGH, he is grudgingly backing me up. That, too, is a sign of progress.

The kids are doing well, and I heard a good homily from Fr M yesterday. He is just the coolest human being on the planet. I need to call him about Nic's communion this week. I'm still on the fence about how hard I should push that particular agenda.

I have some decisions to make about G, too. I've had some ideas about his education and what that should look like going forward, all of this which predicated on the NOREP that showed up on Friday.

I have to say that while these things are not life and death, it's very hard sometimes to keep it all in proper perspective and proportion.

Just an aside--reading a smashing book that reminds me of too many people I've known.

Anyway. Busy week of work and MIL curbage ahead.

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