Wednesday, May 11, 2022

When Things Go Sideways

 I talk a great game to the kids about this--not everything is within your control, so you manage your reaction to whatever happens. However, I am not very good about taking my own advice. I found out in quite an unexpected way that something I shared....was better not shared.

This has been a week of those kinds of mistakes--the ones you only recognize as mistakes in the rear view mirror. 

Throw in my propensity for catastrophizing, and it's not a good look. 

So I've been sitting up here with the birds, throwing darts, solving sudoku, taking deep cleansing breaths, reminding myself the world is likely going to end ANYWAY, wondering why I am so stressed out. I can tell myself that I am not whatever I do wrong, but I'm feeling it, anyway.

I make it a point to treat people well, because people never remember what you do or say, only how you make them feel. 

I was made to feel like shit earlier today.  I'm trying to shake it off but failing.

I am not my mistakes.

I'm just a human being. 

I need a time out to fix my head.  It seems to be broken. 

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