Sunday, May 22, 2022

Dropping Back

Elder is ailing.

He's 10 days or so into some mystery ailment. He tested negative for flu and COVD, but whatever it was settled into his ear.  He made himself an appointment with his PCP and got a script for antibiotics, and we thought that would be that.

Except, it wasn't.  The earache dug in and redoubled over late Friday into Saturday.  Hubby pitched urgent care, and I opted for doctor on call. I made the calls and PCP seconds urgent care.

I help elder with the paperwork, and hubby goes back with him.  Steroid drops are prescribed with instructions to continue his current medication.

He improves long enough for a quick visit to friends, but hits a wall at his 6-hour mark.  We go home, wait another hour for the next doses, and he gets maybe 2 hours of sleep.  I hear him get up around 3:30 am, and I get up myself around 5:20 to check on him. He's miserable. I give him a couple ibuprofen and go back to bed.....

and wake up less than 15 minutes before I am supposed to lector the 7:30 mass.  I dose elder his drops as I am heading out the door.

I get to church on time (barely) to do the thing.  I'm thinking of elder the whole time and kick myself for racing out of the house without my pyx. (Not that I would have had time to put a wafer in it and set it on the altar, but it was a good thought in the moment).

We cancel plans. I'm not feeling great myself. Hubby and younger work on rebuilding an old iPod. I'm contemplating a hot day, a whirlwind trip to Boston, and an airplane ride I took 48 years ago today.  Pink dress, back when you dressed up to travel.  Change to a coordinated short set from Sears to go to Sea World.

Dad had finished radiation treatment. His doctor had advised to Go Now.  So he did.

So we did. 

For today, we will lay low and sit tight.  I will help him navigate his next steps, calling his PCP, arranging to see a specialist, and he will figure out what needs to happen next.

This is all a part of learning in a world that has gotten infinitely and unnecessarily complicated.

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