Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Spring has sprung

 I am grateful for all the signs of spring, from the flowering buds on trees to the night sounds of spring peepers.  Renewal, all signs of it, is GOOD.

So I was just finishing up the last blog when I had to go get younger for his appointment.  My family as a whole sounds incredibly good on paper, but when it comes to reality, we're a little disappointing. 

My guys are both masters at telling folks what they want to hear, then going and doing whatever they think should be done. This has gone in every possible direction, so I don't want to talk it down too much. When they succeed, it's a resounding slam dunk that the whole universe is going to hear.

This is also true when they crash and burn, but the upside to that is that they won't do that particular thing again. 

Anyway, we are sitting in younger's session, and he is waiting for me to talk over him. I am waiting for him to talk. We outline the plan for the next year or so. We talk a little bit about elder's flight path and how his flight path is going to look a little different. And then I mention elder's culminating project and note that G's is coming due soon. 

"Oh," he said. "I did my presentation today."

My jaw dropped. There are a few reasons for this. I was present for elder's, and I had thought I would be there for younger's. I just stare at him. He rolls his eyes theatrically. "MOM. It went fine."

I have no doubt that it did. But this is just another example of the divergence in their paths and a whole 'nother set of road maps and directions to adulthood I need to program into my internal GPS. He just *does* stuff, where I have to light a fire under his brother to do whatever thing. 

Figuring it all out. Mapping out the world. He will get there, wherever 'there' is.....

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