Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Lurching Forward

 I have a list of nonpreferred activities I need to get through before the end of the day. I'm looking at the list I jotted down in my calendar, and I'm down to the last 3.  

I should have done this days ago, but...I get in my own way.

I'm not the only one. 

Just hopped off a call with elder's college advisor. As I mentioned previously, the diploma is collected this Friday.  And I find we are down to 5 classes standing between elder and his first college degree.

I say first assuming there will be others. But we don't know that.


Now we are all getting the amped anxiety he seems to get every May--it coincides with the end of school. I'm finding we need structure. And a plan. 

I'll help him with those just as soon as my own to-do list is done. 

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