Monday, May 3, 2021


 A weekend away lends perspective to many things.

I fully understand where elder is coming from in a way  I didn't before. The pandemic has crushed us all just a little bit differently. We are all coping the best we can, but there are things we just can't compensate for.  And it's hurting us all as a collective.

We homed a rescue recently, and we will need to rehome her. She is sweet, friendly (to a point, as friendly as a hound can be, anyway).  BUT, so many mismatches, from an energy standpoint, to what rooms she'll go into (or not), walking is a challenge, because she'd rather hunt rabbits, and overall, she's a country dog.

I'm so sad for her.  I'm a little sad for us, too. 

And I'm still crying over the bird. 

Or maybe I'm crying for all of us. Stress over time becomes trauma, and to some extent, we are all traumatized.

But each day she gets stronger, healthier, and these are good things.  She deserves to be happier, and we are trying to get her there. She does deserve to be happy. Maybe in time we could have healed her from her own trauma. But we are having a tough time healing ourselves from our own. 

Waiting for all the things to play out. 

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