Friday, September 3, 2010


Fully loaded week. The short list

Monday-NYC with my team for an agency visit
Tuesday-had dinner with friends
Wednesday-Fr Mike and one of my good friends came for dinner
Thursday-visit to see new teachers; team lunch; work; coached my first soccer practice; picked up uniforms
Friday-Exhaling. Grilling. Some imbibing.

I blew a deadline, but I'll make the time up over the weekend, get the article written and out as I usually do. I pissed off a family member. Had the best visit ever with Fr. Mike. Made a decision with regard to aftercare and G's bus. I found out to what degree that Nic was tormented on school property by that bully--with no consequences. Jesus, no WONDER that went on as long as it did. It's a good thing that principal is gone, or I would have been in her office, reading her the riot act, as to HOW she failed my kid because there were NO consequences--this kid was given tacit permission BY THE SCHOOL to torment my kid.

I am hot. Thank God I have a long weekend to cool down.

Other news: Fr M's visit was the best of the bunch, very relaxed, and mellow, and he was really himself with us in a way he's never been. He and my friend C connected in an awesome way, good to see when people 'get' one another. Ah, it was nice.

Got to bond with a couple of my coworkers this week, one on the train ride to NYC and another over lunch. That is just such a good sitch on so many levels, I am too grateful for words. And I am having another lunch this coming week to figure out what I'm doing in a new opportunity. Again, one won't interfere with he other, and I figure both situations will ultimately benefit from what I learn.

So instead of a heavy week, it's been light, as has been my heart. I had three six-year-olds run me all over the field at soccer practice last night, and another friend contacted me to train for next triathalon season.

So despite my intermittent vertigo, I am pressing forward, doing new things, and having a great time.

It's a good life, even with the challenges. Because overcoming the challenges makes it truly awesome.

Both my boys are ready for the new year. And so am I.

Bring it.

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