Saturday, June 26, 2010

Getting my specialist on

Another week, another series of social disasters, and another lesson on why I need to keep on top of my kids and their social interactions.

A confab catch up session with hubby confirms what I've been saying for years. (I'm trying to type while G reads to me from the Big Nate novel so if I go off track, that's why). An outing with friends from school had Nic pretty much acting to type, acting how everyone expects him to act; and an outing with new friends demonstrated better (albeit Nic-typical) behaviors.

Conclusion? He really is marked by his school status. He does act pretty much like any other kid when we are out with friends who are not in district. My whole deal lately has been trying to bring his wider world lessons back to his neighborhood, but for some reason, he's not buying what I'm selling.

He needs to learn these things by himself, the hard way, if these lessons are going to stick. Just like I did.

But I have a hard time reckoning with the ouch factor.

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