Thursday, September 10, 2009


I am getting ready to go pick up G for K orientation. Tomorrow is his first day, both on the big bus and in big, bad elementary school. (Nic had a great first day, and he will get his own post later)

But, in going to pick up G today, we will be closing a chapter on the last 4 years of his life. So funny that I barely blinked when I was at this crossroads with Nic four years ago--and I remember how sad I was to send G to the same place, since I wanted him home a little longer.

But, as many things happen, this turned out to be a good move for G, and he had a wonderful four years with 3 great teachers. And it is with great sadness I will be saying goodbye to the best of the bunch today.

No one told her she had to go to as many as four IEP meetings in the course of a year for G, nor did anyone tell her she HAD to consult with his IU team to integrate their tactics into her classroom routine. She wasn't paid extra to do any of the extra work she so lovingly did to accommodate G.

She did it because she loved him, because she believed in him, and because she wanted him in her classroom.

Really, that's all any of our kids need. People who love them, and people who believe in them.

The last time I felt this way was when Nic's home team moved on--6 years ago. I cried for a week then, too.

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