Saturday, March 28, 2009


Hm. Just found myself thinking about some people I used to know. And thinking about how lies were told to suit people's immediate purposes. And how those lies were believed.

And how those lies continue to be believed.

Grand scheme, I remind myself I've lost nothing of any meaningful value. One fake friendship. A lot of extra baggage. Some of it really, really heavy. ;)

I have to ask myself whether the liars thought their deceit was worth it. On the one side of it, yeah, it made them look good. It won them 'friends' (ha) and approval.

And on the other side of it, meh, I've watched payback happen in other ways. They of course will never see it in that light. But I do believe in karma, and payback, and I believe they've both been paid back in ways neither of them will ever get.

Ah well.

I'm not them.

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