Monday, June 6, 2022

On Your Right

 Hmm. A lot of things at the moment...may as well start with the last thing first.

So I was sitting out on the upper deck enjoying some sunshine (we've had an exceptional couple of days), and listening to robins and catbirds calling up a storm.  Already an alarm should have been ringing because 1) I saw the flash of a sharp-shinned by my kitchen window and 2) the sun is a little high and hot for birds to be actively marking territory.

But in the moment, I am enjoying the sun, the birds, the relative quiet.

Until the sharp-shinned flew fast from the shrubbery below with something in its talons--I think he was expecting to feed on the deck but was a little surprised to see me, so kept winging quickly mere inches past my shoulder.  It took a minute to register that I was seeing a newish chick with the raptor.

The catbird came flying out shortly thereafter, perching up in the dogwood and crying plaintively.

I apologized to it.  I didn't have its chick. 

The robin is singing now.  I think "There but for the grace of God."  George is yelling back at it. Paulie is busy eating. 

The birds are singing again.

Birds ran the weekend. I played darts on Friday night while hubby ran elder up to bingo in another part of the forest. Enjoyed a little of everything. Fortunately, he picked me up on the way home.  He had some thoughts on where he was he shared the next morning.  Which came early because we were at our local nature center at 6 am with one of his coworkers looking for the pileated woodpecker--and got skunked; the pileateds moved on and left flickers in their wake. Out to breakfast. Took younger to flea markets while elder elevatored with one of his teachers. Younger worked; elder worked; then  three of us went out for ice cream.

I paddled yesterday--left side this time. I'm starting to feel it now.  Hoping to land in a drama-free space.

Spent the better part of today in a training, and just took younger to a school function. He wanted me to come in with him, and I hung back "because it would make me look like a mama's boy?" he asked after. 

"Yep," I answered. "Did you get into any conversations?"

He's sharp; he knows what I'm asking. "Some," he answered.

"The world is a bigger place than this," I reminded him. "You need to go out into it to find your people."

"Yeah mom, I get that."

I know he does. 

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