Monday, March 8, 2021

(Super)heroes and Villains

 I hadn't expected to get sucked into the Marvel Comics Universe. Honest.

It started innocently enough; a friend wanted her son and my son to get together to go see Guardians of the Galaxy a few years ago.  Never mind we didn't see the first movie (this isn't brain surgery, after all); it was an opportunity to get our boys together.

Surprise!  G and I like it enough to go back to see the first one.  And by bits and pieces we worked backwards to see a chunk (but not all) of the universe we missed. So by the time Infinity War and later End Game came out, we were both invested.  Safe to say that G came out of the latter without any further burning desire for resolution, so he went on with his life.

I meanwhile went back and checked out a few more installments leading up to the end.  

So many questions. 

So when WandaVision dropped in January, it went without saying that I needed to watch it. I don't have anything meaningful to add, since I never read the comics and needed to wikipedia all the things to make it all make sense. As a standalone, it would have been just fine for anyone walking in here for the first time, although all the MCU diehard fans did an awesome job of flagging meaning for us newbies and uninitiated.

But what I do have to add is that I feel a really weird kinship to Wanda, and I think by extension G finds this universe relatable because it's all about being different in a world where sameness is safe and whatever looks in any way OTHER is suspect.

I tend to read art as a personal invitation to challenge the way I see the world and the way I see myself in it. I'm connecting this somehow to my previous blog about awareness, responsibility, acting, visibility--what all these things mean, how they impact my roll/role, weighing my thoughts and actions before I speak and act, considering the implications of what I cast into the universe and how the universe will reflect my's really a hell of a rabbit hole. 

One of my last thoughts in the early morning hours was that I need to weigh where I want to be, and how I want to get there. I closed up my work week last week with a few big question marks; over the weekend, they resolved, in part of over my discretionary second life as an advocate/warrior mom (great clinic done in the comfort of my home and in my pjs, no less), elder's role in that same conference (he had two presentations last week, so that put us in a little closer space to normal/preCOVD life).

The long and the short of this is that I'm not upending anything. Yet. 

I don't have superpowers. Just love.

And that kind of directs itself. 

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