Monday, November 2, 2020

Breadcrumbs and Microaggressions

 My bandwidth isn't what it used to be. 

I've circled the wagons and hunker down with my core of four (of which I am one). I've determined who loves me and who doesn't.  And I proceed accordingly. 

I've spent a majority of my life pleading for what really should have been de facto mine all along. It's taken me decades to realize that the only place I ever really came up short was with the very people who should have withheld judgment but thought withholding love was a better plan for me. 

These same people never lose an opportunity to think badly of me.  

Meanwhile, me and mine were expected to take whatever got shoveled our way and be happy with that.

I've learned that I am worthy of love. So are my boys. And that people love us and support us.

So that's where our energies go now. 

Whatever others think of us is none of our business.

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