"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." ~Martin Luther King Jr
I think I already covered the quote, but it's worth noting who said it. And in his name and in the name of service, I had the boys out and about from 9 am on, first at Nic's school packaging lunches for a shelter in Philadelphia, then at a local church making Valentine cards for shut-ins, writing letters to our soldiers abroad (Nic made a pretty cool card for one), making 'ugly quilts' for the homeless, playdoh for under-served preschools, and generally having a great time doing it.
I think we found a good tradition and are going to stick with it.
Afterward, we hopped a train into the city and went to the Franklin for a bit. Both boys had really nice interactions with other kids, for the most part got along great together, and Nic even had a couple ladies call him 'cute' and 'a gentleman' for holding the elevator door for them.
He smiled and blushed all the way to the train.
Although both my kids are on another channel, they are full participants in their community. I am immensely proud of them both.
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