Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Time to Breathe

Well, I finally finished the article trifecta and already have a fresh plate of projects waiting for me. I'm going to do some preliminary groundwork, but the rest of this week will be spent getting my family back, as I have been glued to my laptop for the better part of two weeks.

Having said that, I will happily add that I am grateful for it. Grateful that I can do what I do on the fly, that it pays my bills, that I am happy doing it, that the people I work for are happy with what I do (happy enough to keep me employed and don't you know the blessing THAT is in this economy).

I'm grateful for my good friends (you know who you are).

I'm grateful for my patient and supportive boys, who leave me alone along enough for me to get done what I need to get done. (now all I have to do is clean the house in preparation for another MIL incursion)

The boys are great, G is happy that he's with his friends at preschool all week and Nic is happy that he is going on a bowling adventure with B this pm. I'll bring G to spend his Build-a-Bear certificate at the mall and get some one-on-one time with him.

Nic' s teacher conference is this am. He brought home a report card that made me proud--not wholly unexpected, but satisfying nonetheless. He's in with his peers, he is keeping up, and he is succeeding.

Now if I could make sure he didn't do his 'twirly walk' at school, we'd be in REALLY good shape....

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