I’ve said before my younger guy is full of surprises.
He’s been quietly blazing his own trail in big brother’s wake; woe to the person who assumes younger is the same as elder. They couldn’t be more different, which makes their bond all the more special.
So, while his post K-12 trajectory looks identical to his brother’s on paper, the reality couldn’t be any more divergent. Elder tolerated community college; younger jumped in with both feet. He wants involvement, and…it looks like he’s starting to find his groove and his people.
His radio show is his favorite thing right now. Every week he sits down with his notebook and laptop and puts together his playlist. After the first two shows, he stopped consulting me, so I was as surprised as anyone else by what his shows would be.
His choices never fail to move me.
Occasionally, he peers out at me from the control room to gauge my reaction. Most of the set, he’s in his own world, head gently bobbing in time to the music as he sets his levels. He always emerges at the end of his set in a good mood.
He’s found his thing.
We have his penultimate IEP meeting tomorrow.
What a long strange trip it’s been….
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