Thursday, October 31, 2013

Celebrations Abound

I found out this past week what both my boys are made of. On one hand, I should not be surprised.

But by the same token, I'm floored.

My younger son had an emergency appendectomy almost a week ago. His stoicism got in the way of a quicker diagnosis. but his inner grit guaranteed a pretty quick turnaround. I see 'long game' thinking in the way he's approaching his recovery.

Should I be so surprised that he understood and responded to the blunt honesty of his care-givers?

Not to be outdone, older brother understood the gravity of G's situation and found a new reserve of stoicism of his own. Although we made every effort to keep life as 'normal' as we could, Nic had his own sacrifices to make. The party to celebrate his communion and confirmation needed postponement (since half the family was in hospital); however, I refused to postpone the actual sacraments.  After all, I have worked for years to get Nic to this point, and in my mind, there was no way it was NOT happening.

Minus the party distraction, Nic surpassed all my expectations. He suited up in his jacket, tie and slacks and told me "The hat stays home."  (Yes, that would be his going-out hat--which he never leaves home without), and comported himself with a poise I'd never seen before. Was this my son?

Sure was. And I'd never been so proud.

And he ran his second fastest time at Belmont Plateau that afternoon--despite all the insanity and distraction leading up to it.

Hubby and I celebrated 20 years married this month; Gabriel had his 10th birthday; Nic made his communion and confirmation; and Gabriel is home from the hospital.

We are blessed. There is much to celebrate.

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