Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Greener Pastures

So many thoughts right now.

I’m having a little paralysis in all the things that need doing but have a handy little checklist and am going through it one item at a time. The job is done, and there’s lots to do here. I’m mindful of time and how I spend it. I’m mindful of energy spent and making conscious, intentional decisions about what deserves them.

I’m back to reading The Body Keeps the Score and have hit a resonant chapter. Hubby and I celebrated 35 years together this month, and only now are we both reckoning the whys of our journey. The boys are both getting ready to fledge, and I think this moment is perfect for getting them to try out their wings.

A lot of my list pertains to their flight checks, their next steps, and where we all go from here. There’s a lot to do. But we’re ready.

After all, we were made for this.

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