Monday, March 13, 2023

Oh, no, you don’t…

 There’s so much stuff happening right now.

And it’s everything, everywhere, all at once. To coin a phrase.

How do I sum it all up? I guess I can’t, so I’ll do one thing at a time.

Work is in a weird holding pattern; my remote at convenience was revoked, and I refuse the three-hour one-way commute that comes with the two-day hybrid dictum, so I’m waiting and doing the thing while the powers that be figure out what to do with me and my ilk (because I am not the only one). I bring my A game til they shut me down.

Younger is on spring break.  I refuse to look at his grades. School is his thing to manage, and I assume competence, for better or worse.

Elder is..,.doing his thing. Still stuck, but not exactly. Weight is coming down. But his head is in a weird space.

Keeping my head up, bringing good energy, trying to keep us all moving forward. Some days, it’s a struggle.

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