Monday, April 5, 2021

Thankful, the Board/Bored Life and Other Flotsam

 This blog is likely to go off on a few tangents; in other words, business as usual.

Settling down from a loud bang and its aftershocks. I made a couple trips up to my favorite place so I could hang at another favorite place on Saturday; another socially distanced beer tasting among my peeps with the boys in tow hanging out with their friend. Hubby joined us a little later on. It's been a very long time since I've felt at home with all and every level of conversation--as a group, we broke out into our own little tangents, and came back together again, to reform another small break out of more tangents, and so forth and so on. We watched the sky darken and stars come out. Conversation ebbed and flowed. The boys ordered pizza and walked to go pick it up. 

Such a wonderful taste of normal in a year that's been anything but. 

Yesterday was back to our COVD hole; dinner apart from our family, hopefully for the last time (one shot down as a household, one to go).  I think we had collective disappointment, but at least we had Saturday.

And I don't always have to bring beer, but I am happy to.

And then I had a quiet chuckle as an invite to apply for a board chair came through my email. I actually considered it for a hot minute.  Then I remembered I got tossed off the last few boards I sat on, so why do I want to do that again?  (Isn't the definition on insanity doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result?)

Moving on. 

So, elder's liver panel came back clean, but I am sweating that his DNA test is taking so long to come back. We were supposed to get results today (the rest of us have ours), but his got pushed out another week with an ETD of next Monday (and there was a caveat that there could be another week on top of that).  I'm trying not to read too much into what this might or might not mean, but I am a little....concerned.

And hubby and I both did some autism screening tests yesterday. His scores were high, but mine were higher. 

In other words, neither test told either of us anything we didn't already know. 

Younger got his first paycheck on Saturday, so that was cool. He is happy to be a working man. 

Just keeping on. And hoping for the best. 

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