Thursday, December 12, 2019

Take Nothing for Granted

So I had my first one on one yesterday with my new supervisor.

Up until now, I thought that my competence and collaboration were enough to garner me a berth on the team.

He asked me:  "What makes you think we should hire you?"

I shrugged.  "I've been doing the job for the last six months. I know what I'm doing. I am moving the business forward."

He sort of cocked his head and said "What makes you think that's enough?"

And then he told me to get a job description and schedule a meeting with him in a few weeks wherein I can plead my case.

I was quite bitter leaving that meeting.

In the 24 hours since, I've had quiet time on the train, in the car, walking in the cold to think about this. I am not young. I have been kicking around the workforce for decades. I know that one's hireability (if that's a word) has less to do with ability than it does connections. I was brought in with the old order, and the newer order may have its own people to place.

Isn't that always the case?

I may need to color again....

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