Monday, October 20, 2008

My baby is 5 today!

Yay Gabriel! I can't believe my sweet little guy is already 5! Seems like only a couple of months since I held my cuddly little guy in my arms. But it's been 60, and I can hear him reading "A Birthday Cake for Little Bear" while Nic works on his homework.

I was up at 6 baking like a maniac, and it's been baking central here. My third item of the day is currently in the oven ( a chocolate cake that the boys helped make). Morning muffins went to G's am class, and banana bread went to his pm class. As soon as the bread was out of the oven, we were off to school.

I dropped him off, went off to my aquatics class (really the best thing ever), had an awesome workout, dropped off the bread to G's pm class, and met SIL for lunch. I love SIL, she is probably my best friend on the planet. We did a post mortem of the weekend and talked about the next few weeks of events in our households. I head up to State College early tomorrow am until Wednesday night, and I found out that I made the cut in the state training, so I will be flying to Pittsburgh Friday am and returning Saturday night.

Oh yeah, and Gabriel and I go to Baltimore for his 5 year eval on Monday.

So I will be traveling, DH will hold down the fort, and it will be an interesting week here.

Good stuff is happening.

And my kids are doing well, Gabriel had an awesome weekend and a happy day today with his friends. I love hearing his voice, and he and Nic are arguing about the interpretation of the story G's reading.

They are the best of buds. Five years ago today, Gabriel made our family wonderful. It was before, but he made a brother out of Nic, and that was the best gift of all.

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