I have some thoughts. Also lots of feelings. The feelings are going to choke me, so sticking to thoughts.
I like the job, and that’s all I’m saying about that. There are other things that will get deprioritized for the next few weeks while I get my head in order (this assumes that I will at some defined point). The feelings are leading that charge, but I need to feel and deal, and that may or may not mean I open my mouth and feelings get hurt. But I’m a little tired of the fact that mine don’t matter, and that I’m spiky or difficult because I call other people out when they walk all over mine.
I’m trying to figure out something genuinely hurtful that someone did. I mean, if you’re getting together in a group and you exclude people, whatever, but then why let those same people know you’re excluding them?
Seriously. I did not need to know, so why call it out?
This is bothering me a lot more than it should. But people, so.
But people don’t all suck. Hubby and I went down to the river so I could paddle and he could fish. Except, he didn’t fish because I sliced open a tire when I took a turn too tight. I paddled while hubby figured out clean up. When I returned, he had it all figured out. We had a great guy named Mills from AAA who picked us up and took us and the car to the repair shop, and the repair shop had a new tire waiting to install (quite a feat; an odd size was needed, and we’re usually stuck waiting days or weeks waiting). We had a great brunch across the street, and the car was ready when we were done.
Mills is really good people. He said he likes to help people, and he does exactly that.
So I’d do better to think of Mills and his goodness than worry about the other people.
I have plenty of other thoughts, but just concentrating on the good for now.