So that dropped.
In short, my remote status was revoked, and even though my 3-hour one way commute was taken under advisement (I was told), TPTB think it’s A) reasonable for me to do and B) think it’s reasonable I pay my own expenses for hotel etc.
Any reasonable person would think this unreasonable.
We’ll throw in my life circumstances, of which HR was well aware when they hired me, and it all adds up to a hard no pretty quickly.
Needless to say, my hard no was not appreciated.
So I find myself with the clock running quickly down to 3 weeks + 1 business day hence to get these particular affairs in order and figure out what’s next.
That particular white board is currently blank.
And while I have a long, long list of things here at home I can attend to, I’ve been at this working gig for 45 years, and the unknown of it is scary, although I’ve lived long enough to have been here before and figured something out.
You’d think by now it would be less scary.
You’d think.